Flatulence Exposed: Interesting Facts About Your Toots

According to the Canadian Digestive Health Foundation, the average person passes gas 13 – 21 times a day. 

Flatulence is a normal bodily function, yet we are shocked and embarrassed when one squeaks out. 

Sometimes, our toots smell; sometimes, they don’t. They can be silent or sound like a foghorn. Passing gas is a part of life we can’t escape, and we all do it whether we live in Canada or France, are a child or adult, or are a prince or a queen.

Although many cultures consider passing gas in public a social no-no, flatulence has been the butt of many jokes dating back thousands of years. The oldest fart joke, “Something which has never occurred since time immemorial; a young woman did not fart in her husband’s lap,” can be traced back to the Sumerians in 1900 BC.

Passing gas regularly is a sign of a healthy gut, but when we have too much gas, it can be very uncomfortable. 

Toot. Pass gas. Cut the cheese. Tush tickler. Fluffer doodle. Whatever term you use, it’s time to unmask the gas-tly truths on farts!

Causes of Flatulence

Passing gas is the normal release of intestinal gas produced as part of digestion. Bacteria in our colon breaks down the food we eat, creating gas.

However, there are several reasons why you might experience a bit more gas than usual at times.

Understanding how these affect our bodies can help us manage flatulence and improve comfort. 

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All of us have experienced gas pain at some point in our life. Common symptoms include:

Management and Treatment 

Yoga is another excellent way to help alleviate flatulence. It helps with relaxation in your bowels and intestines. Poses such as knee to chest, happy baby, child’s pose, downward dog, and malasana squats can calm and relax the tension and tightness in your abdomen and help you toot!

Yoga for Trapped Gas, Bloating and Indigestion ( Best Yoga Poses to Fart! )

Our bellies tend to be more vocal in the evening, with some extra gas flair. Busy days, large dinners, and drinking bubbly liquids all add to the effervescent gathering in our tummies when we sit down and put our feet up. As our body and digestion system relaxes, a symphony of trumpets awakes.  

Sign of a Health Problem

See your doctor if you are concerned with any of the following:

You know your body best, so listen to it.

For a bodily function that embarrasses us, there are over 250 slang terms for flatulence. Understanding why we pass gas and taking steps to relieve the discomfort is important. Next time you feel the bubbles in your tummy growing, remember everyone has gas, so just let it out!

~ Read more from The Health Insider ~

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