Your liver works tirelessly but a rising threat is on the horizon. With liver disease cases expected to rise 20% by 2030 and liver cancer rates soaring, could your next meal be the problem?
The world of food can be confusing, but it doesn’t have to be. Learn how a dietitian or nutritionist can help you make the right choices about food for your body and your goals.
More than four million Canadians have osteoarthritis. Medications can help manage pain, but cannot do much else. Now, Canadians have a drug-free option to find pain relief, regain functionality, and feel better in their skin.
Longevity is as much about quality of life as it is about length. Join The Health Insider Expert Dr. Brian Kleinberg as he divulges his top 3 tips to live a long, healthy life.
Exercising 10 minutes a day was associated with a 7% drop in the number of deaths per year in a recent study. So what can even more than 10 minutes a day do for your longevity? Read on to find out.
Loneliness profoundly affects neurological health, in fact it's as bad as smoking 15 cigarettes a day. Learn more about who is lonely in Canada and what to do about it.