Video Transcript

Hey, there! This is Doctor Kleinberg with a healthy minute tip for your well-being. You hear the word inflammation being used in chiropractor or physician offices all the time.

But what is inflammation? Inflammation is basically your body’s natural response to injury or some kind of invasion or infection which is causing a lot of disruption of the normal patterns in your body.

So, for example if you injure yourself by falling on your hip, you will feel pain around your hip, you may feel some swelling, you might start to see a bruise forming in the next few days.

This is the body’s way of dealing with some type of injury. And it’s essentially a standard reaction, almost everything single time. The problem with inflammation of course is it causes a lot of pain, and it is very important to have any kind of inflammation as a result of an injury looked at as soon as possible.

Either by your chiropractor or by your physician or both. So that you can treat it and have it resolved as soon as possible. But remember again, inflammation is a natural response on the part of the body. Have a very healthy day!

Dr. Kleinberg is the director of a successful multidisciplinary wellness practice in Toronto established in 1983. With over 39 years of experience treating acute and chronic musculoskeletal conditions and providing advice on wellness and rehabilitation, Dr. Kleinberg is interested in helping Canadians live happier, healthier and more productive lives.

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